Science is constantly evolving, and it keeps dazzling us with more and more every moment. And in light of the existence of this horrific scientific development, information is always subject to dispersion without the scientific references that list the information after information in a scientific and prose context, sound and smooth. So today we'll be talking about a collection of websites and folders that are an important reference for biology. It is characterized by renewal on one hand, and scientific accuracy on the other hand.
Printed references
1) Human Biology
If we talk about the printed references on paper, this reference is undoubtedly the best and deserves to be placed at the front of today's article. The reference is easy to read for the specialist and non-specialist, as it is supported by dozens and dozens of detailed and accurate pictures that explain everything. In the company of these pictures there are texts that support them, and everything is supported by solid research sources and papers. The reference is used as a biological book for students around the world.
2) Biology
This reference actually helps students to enter deeply into the world of biology, yet it guarantees simplicity and smoothness in providing information. The reference is distinguished by the renewal time every year, with more and more details, the custodians of it know what the student needs, and how it can be presented to him in a way that benefits him on the scientific and personal level together. The book is written and narrated by Peter Raven and George Johnson.
3) Campbell Biology
Simply put, Campbell's name means quality and sobriety. This reference is a collaboration between 6 veteran specialists and university professors in the field of biology, and this collaboration is very fruitful. It yielded in the form of a book that really talks about biology from a practical perspective, and offers the student dozens of final and sub questions after completing or even while reading the specific topic.
4) Essential Cell Biology
The reference appears from its title, right? Simply put, the book talks about the basics of biology from the very beginning of the formation of science itself to what science recently reached. And of course the reference is updated every time period specified by the most recent scientific facts discovered. The book is characterized by extreme simplicity to the degree that a prep student understands biology in a specialized way more than someone who studies the same subject at university but in a more complex book. Therefore, simplicity in the narration is the secret of this reference.
5) The Core
The idea of the reference appears strongly in its title: The Center. The book talks about the most important and most prominent principles in biology, which no student, whether novice or specialist, can pass. The reference deals with biology from the perspective of simplification, and this simplification lists with tapered words towards the target without any additional details or information that make the subject complicated in any degree. The reference has an internal organization that allows it to be a teacher’s book through which he can teach some basic topics in biological science very smoothly.
Electronic references
It is one of the largest, most comprehensive and general electronic sites and references that talk about biology and all its applications, principles, messages and everything. The site contains an impressive library of scientific papers and research that made great scientific leaps in the world of biology. The literal translation of the site's name is: National Center for Biotechnology Information.
2) Cell Press
The very, very special aspect of this electronic reference is that it is spoken hour by hour on the one hand, and the information is presented in an impeccably scientific way. It is a scientific journal in which research is published and then presented to readers, and most of the research published on Cell is research that really deserves to be highlighted, and is considered as seeds for the great scientific achievements to come.
3) Nature
Here we are sitting in front of the site that has saved the lives of thousands of biology students on the surface of this planet for many years, and years to come. This online reference is easy to list and accurate information. It combines being a scientific journal on the one hand, and a scientific blogging site on the other. The topics in which the heads of sensitive pens are discussed in the scientific field in a way of scientific notation that any non-specialist can easily understand. Every word in it is backed by sources and evidence without forgery or forgery.