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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Distance education: An educational system that has advantages and disadvantages

Many students have recently moved to distance education, or online education, as an alternative to traditional education at universities. Many universities recently provided the choice of distance education for many of the study programs available at the university in order to overcome learning barriers such as student preoccupation or geographical challenges, especially for foreign students, but despite some people believe that distance education may be the best solution to obtain a better education opportunity However, it may not be the most appropriate for you, and you can learn about it after you know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of education to decide whether it is the most appropriate for you or not, then distance education is not the magic solution to obtain a certificate from a reputable university while you are sitting in your home, but rather requires Do more to achieve success in it.

There are also other reasons that led to the spread of this type of education:

First: After graduating from the university, many young people aspire to start their career and accomplish it, with their desire to complete studies at the same time to develop themselves and develop their field of work.

Second: As a result of the deterioration of the economic situation in the world recently, many young people seek to change their fields of work by passing various educational programs or courses on the Internet.

In the beginning we will mention the types of distance education:

Asynchronous Learning
This type of education gives the student a greater opportunity to learn at the speed that he determines, as it provides greater flexibility for the student, as the student is not obligated to follow a specific schedule of lectures and deliver assignments, assignments and projects, because the study materials are placed on a platform often in the form of audio and visual materials that the student can hear and watch at the time that suits him , And students can communicate with students through the program's electronic platform.

Synchronous Learning
This type of education provides less flexibility for students, so the student adheres to a specific schedule of lectures through the so-called electronic chat rooms or (Video Conference), but this type provides greater communication with students and professors, and students may also be obliged to enter daily on the program platform and register attendance to get On the study materials for his program and any other information.

Hybrid Learning
This type is a mixture of the previous two types, the system may differ from one lecture to another, according to what the students and professor agree, there are sometimes lectures that require attendance to register and communicate at a specific time, and others can be viewed at a time that suits the student, and sometimes the lectures are at a certain time but assignments It can be delivered at any time.

Now that we have mentioned the types of "distance learning", we can mention the advantages and disadvantages of this system.

First: the advantages
1- Providing travel expenses and saving time spent to reach the place of study.

2- Providing housing and expenses for purchasing materials and textbooks.

3- Students enjoy more flexibility that enables them to set their study dates and fulfill their assignments according to their working conditions and their social and family life.

4- Students should not limit themselves to choosing a university in a specific geographic region, thereby increasing study program choices in front of the student.

5- Providing a greater opportunity for students who are not able to have special needs to learn in prestigious universities.

6- Providing study materials on the Internet, thus ensuring that they are stored and accessed thereafter more easily at any time than anywhere.

7- Providing a greater opportunity for students to work at the speed they prefer.

Just as distance education has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages:

Second: Defects:
1- Students will not have the opportunity to communicate well with professors to answer their inquiries and questions about what they are studying in a clearer and more extensive way, such as the university classrooms.

2- The study requires self-censorship and a great commitment stemming from the student so that he can accomplish his academic assignments and assignments without a specific timetable.

3- Lack of communication with classmates and benefiting from their expertise and experience.

4- The online course may be characterized by a lack of audio-visual materials that are available in the materials presented in the classroom.

5- This type of study requires that the student be sufficiently familiar with the use of technology to ensure full use of the subject.

These defects must be taken into account when choosing distance education to assess the extent to which the student benefits from this educational system.

In sum, the e-learning system is often suitable for students who have enough self-motivation, learn better through the practice of reading and writing skills, and enjoy studying specific disciplines.

It may not be appropriate for students who wish to benefit from direct face-to-face contact with professors and colleagues, or to learn better through reliance on audio-visual materials, or who tend to postpone their assignments and study assignments.

Finally, if you can honestly assess the way you learn, you will be able to determine whether or not the e-learning system is the learning environment for you.

Rikimaru Author: Rikimaru

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