Unfortunately, the education in our Arab schools is often rigid. When he tries to keep pace with the times, he works to use relatively modern educational methods in a random manner, and does not rely on one inclusive system that links them all to reach the best possible result from that process. This is where the inverse class comes in.
The inverted class is an educational strategy that has many names such as (inverted education), (inverted class), (inverted education), and many others. But ultimately, they all describe a single strategy that combines active learning, self-learning, investigative learning, and also differentiated learning. The inverted class aims to develop from the traditional method of giving and lecturing in education, and bringing it to an immersive, interactive stage entering education as a whole is fun.
Inverted class: why this course?
Simply inverted row means the opposite of the traditional way of sending and receiving information. Here, the teacher uses technology a lot to get the student to interact more with the educational subject, and get him to search for himself a lot of things that complement what he did electronically. This makes the interaction higher, and further consolidates the information in the mind of the student as he researched a large part of it himself.
This technology is part of a blended education, and blended learning aims to integrate technology into the educational process. But the inverted class is more specialized in the mini-learning process between teacher and student. While inclusive education as a whole aims to introduce technology into the education system itself, it is not a requirement of what happens between the student and the teacher.
In this strategy, the teacher is interested in making a virtual classroom on the Internet, and inside it he creates educational videos for students. Whether it is overall in the e-class for all to see, or if it is in the form of private lessons that correspond to the mindset of each student sent to him personally in his e-mail. The student must actually watch the video before coming to the classroom.
Duties are also received electronically, and are corrected electronically. While the actual meeting in the school is aimed solely at the discussion in what has been learned electronically, and that its real-time educational process is intended to be the pleasure resulting from a rich and fruitful discussion. This richness came from an electronic educational subject that relied on giving the student freedom to receive information at the time he wants, and to the extent that he wants.
So of course, it is not possible to realize the strategy of missing that important without talking about it, and for this we present to you the course "Flipped Classroom" from the site of the realization.
And now, here are the contents of the course in detail
The first unit: the benefits of inverted rows
The contents of the unit are as follows:
Reasons for the success of the strategy strategy
Benefits of strategy in the classroom
Connecting reversed classes, active education, and motivation creation
Module Two: When do we use this strategy?
The contents of the unit are as follows:
Education placements where we don't use the strategy
Determine the most important places to use the strategy
Provide examples of the matter
Explain different ways to apply the inverse class, whether by technology or not
Module Three: Preparing Inverted Row Content
The contents of the unit are as follows:
Review the different types of contents of the inverse class
Identify best practices for content preparation
Choose and define the type of content that best suits your educational context
Use best practices to create the content you have already chosen
Focus on the video content in a slightly detailed way
Module Four: A Step After Preparing Inverted Content
The contents of the unit are as follows:
Highlighting the interaction in the class face to face between the teacher and the student after using the inverted class
Obtaining student feedback to evaluate steps for preparing the inverted class and the methods used
Identify the weak and strong points, then work to strengthen the strong and weak points.