Planning to study abroad needs a large amount of work, there are many questions that need to be resolved, and many different things that need to be considered, starting with registering at the university, then the health insurance and then the apartment, to deal with all of this it is good to have a detailed plan , And work on this step by step.
It is the best way to make sure that nothing is forgotten and that time has come for it. Those who are looking to obtain certification from abroad should know that the road to the end is a long road, the first step is to think about the city and this is not easy.
Preparations for study in Germany should start about one year before departure, and you should consider the following points:
Information about opportunities in Germany
This includes choosing between universities and technical colleges, choosing between private and public universities and various exchange programs or universities parallel to the parent university.
What qualifications should you hold?
Is it sufficient to have a final qualification in the parent universities in order to be able to study in Germany, and is this final qualification acceptable in Germany, what are the other requirements? Average, language requirements, and some tests.
What are the costs and how can I control the expenses abroad?
Opportunities, grants, family assistance, personal saving, if the answers to these basic questions are present and the plan is prepared and thus you can start.
It is important that all participants be sure of this, and everyone should be aware of the meaning of studying abroad, and must ask themselves am I ready for this, family and friends should seem to agree to help him in planning and funding.
Half a year before departure, there are many points to consider:
Specialization decision and university selection
You have to find one suitable program for you from the different majors available because the programs differ from one university to another and the decision for this stage is very important.
Variation occurs in content, research and practical offers are also available with university offers, and also you can find international study programs.
Correspondence to the university
Every German university has an external office, i.e. an international student when he has questions he can talk to.
It is important to ask what number of seats are available, what kind of benefits and grants are available, and if they have student housing for international students, and after you make your decision at the prescribed university, the real application begins.
Preferred specialty form
Each university has its own form and deadlines that must be taken into consideration, the majors of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and dentistry have a central department for the form and the comprehensive requirements of all countries, and it is also important for the rest of the disciplines to have information on the total score required, and improve its opportunity with training workshops .
The average score for which the student has accepted is the same for all universities, with other laws in some study programs.
After sending the study application to universities, there is also time to wait, wait for the place and wait for cards to study abroad.
And when college admission arrives, happiness and joy in acceptance will be great, and here excitement and anticipation begin, but there are tasks that we must not forget.
Accommodation form
Housing in a location close to the university is seriously required and filling in the form early is necessary in order to find a suitable place. In residential areas, a person can get a cheap house because the apartments are shared with other people.
Visa application
There are specific laws, and it is necessary to obtain the appropriate information in the necessary time. In order to obtain a visa, there are specific documents that must be present, such as university admission and health insurance.
Obtaining the health insurance
In Germany there is a law that says that every person must have a health insurance, and through planning for time you must check the health insurance and its characteristics and that it is necessary to end the matters of health insurance in Germany.
Departure time is coming soon, the last steps of planning are over, one or two weeks before departure so there are some things that should be ready.
Check the documents
Do I have the documents required to enter and stay, visa, university admission, student card, temporary admission to university housing.
Determine the place of residence
These people who could not obtain university housing must prepare a place for their stay on the first night, some student organizations provide places for such cases, and in big cities there are some cheap places where a person can stay until he moves to his place of residence, a history check Available apartments The person must do his job early by email, then you can also see how to get out of the hotel to the apartment.
In cities where there are few apartments available, it is a good idea to do more than one Hajj to ensure your opportunity to get an apartment increases.
Holidays and public holidays in Germany
Find out about the most important occasions and holidays (local and national) in Germany:
January 1: New Year.
January 6: Epiphany. This holiday is celebrated in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony.
March 25: Good Friday or Friday of Passion.
March 28: Easter.
April 1: Labor Day.
April 5: Ascension Day.
April 16: Pentecost.
April 26: The Body of Christ (Corpus Christi). This holiday is celebrated in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and some passages in both Saxony and Thuringia.
August 8: Peace Celebration - Bavaria.
August 15: the day of Saint Maria ascending to heaven.
October 3: German Federation Day.