During the last twenty years, the Internet has become the largest data base for information, and literally changed the way people live, there has become online shopping through Facebook, communication via WhatsApp and many other programs that have greatly insulted people and brought into their lives comfort and speed in meeting desires. Learning at a distance is considered the most important step taken to use the Internet in order to obtain knowledge and knowledge from home, so let us know what distance education is, and is it the best site for learning from home?
We can call it e-learning, or education via the Internet or the web, whether from your mobile phone, computer or other devices, all of these names come under one term which is distance education. Why it is called by that name? Well the answer is easy. Once you receive science or a classroom online while you are in your home, in a café or anywhere else, you are learning away from traditional schools or universities.
Distance education includes the virtual environment for the natural semester, which any school or university student receives, where you will receive live video and audio education with adequate explanation and direct chat with your teacher.
Benefits of distance education
People who live in remote areas or who suffer from infectious diseases, for example, may prefer this method of education, but in general; Distance learning has become very popular for several reasons:
Flexibility in learning: In traditional school environments, times and days of work and rest times are determined, and the student has no authority to do so. He is obliged to abide by the laws, but online education gives the student the freedom to reconcile his own concerns with his study time.
Saving money: Distance learning is definitely less costly, there is no transportation cost, no university housing expenses, or high tuition fees and brochure purchase costs, all of which are available at the location where you registered.
Communication with others: distance education gives the opportunity to get acquainted with students from all countries, and sometimes cooperate with each other to implement projects related to their class, thus having a beautiful experience and learning from other cultures.
Information security and reliability of reference: You can store the information and discussions that you had in the class, training materials and your emails all in documents, thus you will be able to access the information quickly, which saves time and effort.
Focus and increase production: During traditional classrooms, a student may not get the attention he needs to clarify ideas and concepts, such as the interest in online learning, here; You personally speak to your teacher and discuss what you need to understand, which increases your chances of understanding and your performance and enhances your ability to think and solve problems.
Experience: There are sites that conduct training courses that may not be available in local educational institutions. These sites give at the end of the course a specialized certificate for what you have learned and have been tested in. For example, at the Canadian Center for Architecture CCA located in Canada, you can obtain an expert certificate in the programming language C ++ by registering on the site and the course when they announce it, so you do not have to be in Canada to become a programming expert!
Variety of educational programs: that is, regardless of your field of study, you can register for the programs and courses that interest you via the Internet, where you get a professional certificate at the end of the course and you may obtain a doctorate!
The negative effects of distance education
Despite the many benefits of distance education, it is not without some drawbacks:
You may lose the pleasure of interacting and responding face to face with your teacher and colleagues. Some may prefer to attend traditional classrooms, because they may be hard-pressed people to learn themselves, and they always need personal support and follow their teachers for them.
Of course, do not forget that distance learning is a major technological challenge, especially for some individuals who do not have the full technology support for online learning.
Best distance education sites
Now let's get to know some of the best free online distance learning sites:
A collaborative website with universities and organizations around the world, offering a variety of topics and courses for different schools and groups.
Khan Academy
In partnership and cooperation with many high schools, Khan Academy offers a structured and easy-to-use educational interface, and offers comprehensive training courses on many different subjects.
Open Culture
Or open culture courses via the Internet, this site highlights thousands of lectures and videos from universities around the world, as it contains especially the materials taught at private universities and training courses, all of which are easy to navigate. This site includes a list of universities in the United States of America such as England, Australia, and Wales.
A site similar to Coursera, but it differs from it as it allows the user to take special courses of lessons, by communicating with many of the leading professors and schools, this site combines free and paid content.
This site offers customized technology and health courses and language courses, in addition to school curriculum courses, different from its predecessors by providing certificates at the end of the course, it is a really great option.